Friday, July 12- 9am-2pm - 117 North Main Street, Stockport, IA 52651
Friday, July 12 - 5pm - 9pm - 910 Louis Street, Keosauqua, IA 52565
Saturday, July 13 - 10am-6pm - 18289 Hwy 1, Keosauqua, IA 52565
Friday at Stockport
DMI chisel plow - 6 Gravity Wagons - International Loadstar grain truck - Multiple IH planters 400-800 Series - 4 section Harrow on cart - Disks - 5 Massey Harris Tractors Multiple Massey Combines from 300 to 750 series - Multiple Heads - Large Field Cultivator - Mulcher - 3 pt Field Cultivator - MF 2805 Front wheel assist - Truck Auger - Head carts - Saddle Tanks - Round Baler - Batwing Mower - Pickup Box Camper - Boat - JD Boxes - Farmhand grinder mixer - F-20 Tractor - JD 4020 with 30 series cab Powershift LP - Dodge Grain truck - 2 old 5 window Dodge trucks (Rough)
Consigned by neighbor
John Deere A - Frontier Mower - Harrow and cart - Disk Cultivator - John Deere 509 brush cutter - JD plow - 4 row John Deere Planter - JD Manure spreader - Wood Barge Box
With lots more to pull out before Sale time. All machinery is in various condition.
Friday Night in Keosauqua
Tonka, Lumar, Tin Friction, Wyandotte, Marx, cast iron, stage coaches, Cox powered car, John Deere, Allis Cambers, Oliver, Lionel, Sante Fe, Burlington, Rock Island, Bandai, baseball cards, Multiple Prairie Grain signs plus other signs
There is a large amount of toy trucks and trains.
Trying to get a catalog done on how they will sell.
This is only a partial listing we will be dragging stuff out of the rafters until sale day. Plan to attend this great auction with some amazing toys, tractors, trucks, farm related items.